3rd Stakeholders Meeting in Bulgaria

The third meeting took place online and lasted nearly two hours on 15th December 2023. Representatives of sports organizations, basketball clubs, school sports and public organizations were present. They all agreed on the great importance of sports and basketball in particular for the development of adolescents.

The key findings are listed as below:

- the development of physical qualities

- acquisition of personal qualities - will, struggle, enthusiasm, emotional intelligence, respect, passion

- team qualities - teamwork, mutual assistance, empathy.

- Everyone expressed the idea of the lack of playgrounds and the poor material base. Where there is an opportunity - the classes are inconvenient for adolescents. There are no municipal halls where children can play for free.

- The third huge problem is the coaches. They are underpaid and do not fully engage with the children.

- One of the discussed solutions to this problem is placing volunteers, but they are not always qualified and always available for training. Therefore, the dialogue between various sectors are pointed and collaboration mechanisms' importance is underlined. 

We would like to thank all stakeholders who took part in the three meetings. The results will be reported and transformed into a MoU.