Our project activities are clustered under two Work Packages (WP) and are planned to be completed during the project's lifetime:
WP1 - Management & Cooperation Work Package
T1.1 Online Partners Management Meetings: These meetings are held once in two months with the participation of the consortium management team.
T1.2 Creation of Guidelines: To facilitate the common understanding and monitoring of the impact of the activities, there are i. Admin & Financial Guideline, ii. PR & Dissemination Guideline, iii. Quality Standards (Evaluation & Dissemination Templates) are prepared according to the expertise of the consortium.
T1.3 Creation of Project Corporate Items: In order to enhance the good quality visibility of the project, project corporate items are created by BIDEV.
T1.4 Kick Off Meeting in Bulgaria: In the first months of the action plan, a Kick Off Meeting is planned to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. With the participation of assigned staff, 4 quality assurance parameters will be discussed in detail and all partners' equal contribution to implementation of planned activities and dissemination of project results will be decided with more specific tasks and deadlines.
T1.5 Local Intersectoral Cooperation Meetings: To bring a European dimension to our local work and initiate intersectoral cooperation in the basketball field; 3 local intersectoral cooperation meetings are planned to be held in 3 countries in 3rd – 7th – 10th months to assess and underline the empowering and inclusive dimension of basketball.
T1.6 Final Evaluation Meeting in Türkiye: At the end of the project, 2 days final evaluation meeting will be held in Turkey to have team evaluation – results evaluation – performance assessment – final reporting phase preparations – definition of exploitation and sustainability with the participation of 5 people from each organization.
T1.7 International Final Conference in Türkiye: During the Final Evaluation meeting, an International Conference will be held with the participation of 100 Stakeholders. The conference will aim to dissemination project results and enhance further cooperation among various active actors in the basketball field.
WP2 - Training and Development Work Package
T2.1 Creation of “Soft Skill Development Through Basketball Training Module”: This module will be created by the assigned expert trainers/supervisor coaches of consortium in 3rd and 4th with the leading role of BK Klatovy Such training module will contain the Non-Formal Education methodology – Education Through/By Sport methodologies – International Training Course training program – Methods to be used in Local Implementation process. Such module will be a reference document to be followed by the coaches already implementing basketball trainings for young people with fewer opportunities and will highlight how basketball can be used for social empowerment of disadvantaged groups.
T2.2 International Training Course in Czechia: At the end of the 4th month, 1 supervisor coach/trainer and 4 basketball coaches will participate in 5 days training course in Klatovy, Czechia. The program will be led by supervisor trainers to raise the methodological capacities of sport coaches.
T2.3 Local Trainings run by the coaches: Hidden-agenda local sport activities will be implemented in each country during the European Week of Sport. 3 half days implementation with min. 40 youth with fewer opportunities.
T2.4 In-person and/or virtual meetings with role models and youngsters: The social empowerment of basketball dimension can be truly reflected by sport celebrities and also such meetings would be great inspiration for the youth. Each organization will be responsible of implementing min. 3 meetings with role models and young people in 6th – 9th months.
T2.5 Design & Implementation of Awareness Campaigns by/for Youth: Such awareness campaigns will be designed by young people to promote how sport can be a remarkable tool for physical and personal (mental – social) development. Creation of posters, short videos, social media posts will be done by the active and motivated young people who will also participate in local sport activities between 9th – 12th months.
T2.6 3x3 basketball Tournaments during the European Week of Sport 2023: a 3x3 Basketball Tournament will be organised in public places in order to draw the attention of the local community.
T2.7 Creation of Project Movie: This movie will be uploaded to organizations social media channels, websites and project website to be promoted.